

Hi, let me share a little insight regarding the final assessment for students ah. Don’t mind me since its just a little rant but you UTARians should understand that :

1) UTAR website is notoriously famous for being unintentionally DDOSed by both students and lecturers who are trying to log on simultaneously on the same time. So guess whats gonma happen when thousands fo students login at the same time then? Hailat lolololol!

2) I meant no prejudice but we all know full well how it feels when the network feels like its on airplane mode.( I blame celcom but i heard maxis no better so…) Add that with a time limit on examinations and i bet the students would have blown their time bomb before the exam had even finished. ( I pity the computer keyboards on particular.)

3) I truly, honestly feel very sympathetic to not the students but rather the lecturers who would have to deal with scenario 1) & 2) during FA itself. Imagine having the entire classroom pinging you on Zoom or Microsoft Team just to tell ya they cant access wble or the portal itself.

4) Lets just say everything goes well and network is fine the portal is okay,examination runs smooth. You know whats gonna happen next? Students are asked to submit their files in PDF?
I want to submit in microsoft i already pening kepala lo. Handwritee your declaration form if you got no printer and also you can’t print becauses shops are close? Please la. Gimme option i “sign” the form with my utar portal ID la. Or even better, i go put my beautiful facepic (original of course) on the signature area la.

So thats all from me. Happy MCO guys because we all needed it. A good time to go back to the time where we all had no internet and now be grateful that you have internet. Oh and best regards to you lecturers in UTAR. Pray your students dont come spamming your emails because….we all hate spams. Hahahahahahahaha.

P.S (If DEAS reads this. Please reconsider you FA decisions if in anyway possible, the unforeseen circumstances are quite…foreseeable,nothing is inevitable in life)

Best regards
A utarian foundation dude currently stuck in Kampar.