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I want to personally let you know, I have moved on. Moved on 2 years ago. I want you to stop contacting my brother and trying to care and to be emphatic. if you wanted to be emphatic, you should have shown it 4 years ago in your actions. Just in my anger, that personal things /embarrassing things were being spread about me by you and your colleagues, even though I have moved to a new place, I said vile and dirty things about you to let go of my anger. I became a vile person and person a million times worst than you. I don’t want to be a person who uses other people’s personal weakness/private things to humiliate others like you. I never want to be that person again. I shouldn’t have tried to reciprocated you and your actions. I condemn your entire race for some small of your actions, which I was wrong to do so. My best friend is a Chinese girl, one of your students previously, she is an extremely helpful person and nice and she has never let me down no matter what other people have said about me and I should have used her as a yardstick instead. There are good people and bad people in every race. I was in Sg. Long and wanted to tell you this in person but there was no point in it. You go your separate way and I will go my separate way.

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