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While on the way to leave campus, I noticed something familiar at pedestrian way at KB Block. A notice tied to a bicycle asking it owner to leave their bike or face confiscation from MPKj. Most of bicycles parked had this notice since 14 October 2018. It made me wonder several things:
1. Do university ever wonder why there are still bicycles parked at KB pedestrian since we have provided place in our campus compound?
2. Do these bicycles obstruct the pedestrian path? Most of it locked near to pillars and people still can use that area. Or, it is a sore eye to some?
3. What university would do if the owners never move their bikes? Report to authorities? Based on which law? In fact, the pedestrian way is outside campus compound. The same happened with motorbikes parked under the tree outside KA Block.
4. Do university really see or aware there is no space around campus for bicycle parking. The one we have is exclusive to students and staff. So, if public wants to park their bicycle, where do they expect them to park, at their own risk?
5. While most of civil societies are encouraging others to live a sustainable life, are we doing the opposite just for the convenient of some?
Looks like we are doing the easier way without ever thought of the consequence. Is this how students are taught?

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