

I never had any argument with you, never had any fight with you, talked to you face to face probably less than 10 times my whole life. I never had any tension with you. I never had an issue with you. You create an issue out of thin air by spreading personal things about others. If a lecturer or lecturers solicit personal things about another student from you, or encourage you to spread them that means those lecturers have zero ethics or professionalism. My issues have nothing to do with anyone from the university btw. If everyone minds their own business, the world would be a peaceful place. I seriously don’t care about your personal or public life or anything about you. I have my own issues, I have no time to entertain gossips or to poke my nose into others personal affairs. Backstabbing others dont make you strong. I am not going to waste my time getting into a quarrel with you. you can do what you like.