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It’s you again. It must be you. I’ve already moved on in life. Cause know what, when I missed you in imagination, I feel myself idiot and there’s just a lot of factors that we cannot be together. I haven’t got to know you in a proper way and you and your ex have had done a lot of damage to me. Looking back, I’d wish I never met you in life but thanks for letting me experience the value of love doesn’t necessarily need to own nor occupy him. I found my smiling eyes after leaving you. It’s really haunting that whenever I thought of all those bad memories you and your family left to me, I’m still scared. Am not sure regretting or not, stay ignorant to you, of you is the best I could do. Goodbye, you really appeared as a ghost in my life. Take care. I wish you find a woman for you to control if that’s what you want in a relationship. I have enough. This time I know I won’t turn to you anymore. Just so you know, not every girl is attracted by money. I know you’re very rich. You’re too rich. Here lies the problem. Goodbye, it’s really not nice knowing you. If you lose someone but you found yourself, you win. This time I look into mirror and taking charge of own life and am smiling big.

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